


Harran is located in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. It has history of about 4300 years. In the past it had an important commercial position connecting Mesopotamia to Asia Minor and Mediterranean to Pers. It is an important place in history of humanity in many respects as it is hometown of holy temple of Moon God Sin and the city where Hz. Ibrahım, the ancestor of monotheistic religions according to Torah, lived for many years. Medieval walls surrounding the ancient city, castle from early Islamıc period, Ulu Mosque are last surviving witness of Harran’s past. The conical domed Harran Houses, which are estimated to have been used in the region for thousands years, but existing examples are not older than 150-200 years are the structures that attract the most attention of tourists coming to city today.

First University in History

As understood from historical documents, the name Harran has remained unchanged for 4000 years. The name Harran comes from “Harran-u” meaning “Travel-Caravan” in Sumerian and Akkadian. According to another view, it means "Intersecting Paths". Representatives of the Ancient Culture, Sabians, Christians and Muslims lived together in great harmony in Harran, and world-renowned scholars were trained from the schools here. The world-famous "Harran school university", whose history goes back to pre-Islamic times, continued to spread its fame by further developing during the time of Abbasid caliph Harun Reşid. After the VII century and the first half of the VIII century, the translation work in the Harran School accelerated. The works of the ancient Greek scholars were translated into Arabic. harran; Greek and Syriac translations into Arabic became central. Scientific studies carried out in the Harran School were divided into five sections: religion, astronomy, medicine, mathematics and philosophy.

Prophet Abraham Cave

It is believed that Prophet Abraham was born in this cave. Also it is believed that the Prophet Abraham stayed in this cave until he was 7 years old and that the water in the cave good many diseases. Prophet Abraham is important not only for Islam but also for all 3 religions. This cave located 100 meters east of Halil-ür Rahman and Aynzeliha lakes.

Şanliurfa Archelogy Museum

The rich history of Urfa is also reflected in this museum. This museum, where many artifacts from Neolithic period are exhibited, has an international importance. Undoubtedly, the most important thing of the museum is exhibition of artifacts from Göbeklitepe.
There are 14 main exhibition halls and 33 animation belonging to Paleolithic Period., the oldest known real sculpture in the history of civilization, Balıklıgöl Man, Göbeklitepe excavations finds, Nevali Çori Temple Chalcolithic, Bronze, Iron, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamıc period are displayed.


Balıklıgöl is located in Şanlıurfa and has an important place in Islamıc mythology. It is one of the most visited places with its fish considered sacred for Islam and historical artifacts in the surrounding area in this lake, which is believed that the prophet Ibrahım was thrown into fire. According to historical and scientific data, Balıklıgöl pools are ancient pagan temples built for goddess Atargatis, who is half woman and half fish.
It is estimated that it was built at uncertain date between 1000-300 BC. Today there are fish which dedicated to goddess Attargatis and this fish are forbidden to touch and eat in Israel, Lubenon and Syria.
The region called Balıklıgöl Plateau als has a history 12000 years. The oldest historical find about the plateau is a stetua named Urfa Man. It has been determined that the statue dates back to 9000-10000 BC.

Church Of The Twelve Apostles- Firfirli Mosque

It was built by Armenians as a church. After a while, it was turned into prison. Notch marks and name of prisoners are the evidence for its used as a prison. According to inscription on the mihrap, this building was turned into a mosque in 1956. The leaf cross, which is important for Christians, was brought to this church from Van in 1092.


Göbeklitepe is located in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. The real value of area began to emerge with the excavations started after 1994. After this studies, it was understood that Göbeklitepe was a cult center dating back 12000 years. The mentioned scientific data about Göbeklitepe provide important information that requires re-evolution of the theoretical framework and dating related to Neolithic period in archaeological studies. It is known as the ground zero of humanity and the birthplace of civilizations.
Göbeklitepe is a temple equipped with 2 large steles in the middle and 13-14 steles on the sides. There are relief animals on these steles. Their height is between 3-5 meters and their weights is about 10 tons. The fact that one of this steles has human arms relief on it distinguishes it from the others. These steles are all thought to represent a group of people dressed kind of clothing similar to priests cloak.

Karahan Tepe

Karahantepe is a newly discovered archaeological site after Göbeklitepe in Şanlıurfa. It was first discovered by Bahattin Çelik in 1997. The first excavations started in September 2019 in the area where 250 obelisks are thought to be from the Neolithic period. During excavations in Karahantepe, structures similar to Göbeklitepe and a human statue with leopard on its back were found. Different sculptures found here are exhibited in Şanlıurfa Archeology Museum.

Nevali Çori

Nevali Çori is located in Hilvanlı town of Şanlıurfa. History of Nevali Çori dates back to 10000 BC. Nevali Çori is a settlement where people settled life and domestication animals. There are different rooms for dinning, storage and cooking rooms. While animal figures were usually drawn an statues, human figures were drawn on statues for first time in Nevali Çori.

Sogmatar Ancient City / Sin Temple

It is 53 km from Harran. The Ancient City of Soğmatar dated to 2nd century AD. It scientific determined that this place was a cult center where Harranies worshipped for the moon and planet gods during the Abgar Kingdom period.
The word ‘’Sogmatar’’ comes from an Arabic word ‘’Matar’’ meaning rain. Tek Tek Mountains receive a lot of rain and snow in winter. The water accumulated from this rains and snows provided the water needs of sheep and goat herds grazing in the summer. Due to this feature, the village is still known as ‘’Riny’’.
Soğmatar cult site, there is the Pognon Cave where moon god Sin is worshipped, Sacred Hill with god reliefs, 6 square and round planned mausoleums and many rock tombs carved into the main rock inner castle.

Urfa Castle

It is estimated that it was built in 2000 BC. This castle played an important role during the Crusades. The castle repaired during the Ottomans. It consists of two parts; internal and external. The outer castle has four gates. The inner castle 25 basions and single gate. It is said that the two stone columns on the castle were used as catapults in throwing Ibrahim into fire.
The neighborhood behind the castle is called Kırk Cave. Every houses has a cave. The Harran gate of walls surrounding the city, Mahmudoğlu Tower belonging to the Bey Gate, and some wall and bastion ruins have survived to the present.